(707) 544-5778

"They have excellent communication, high quality of work, met the timeline well...
Everything they did was excellent."
M.M. G. N - Diamond Certified
Call us: (707) 544-5778
With over 50 years of combined construction industry experience in Sonoma County, NorthBay Environmental is the perfect local solution to help you repair and improve your home. Our offices are located in Santa Rosa, and we have been part of the Sonoma construction industry for decades. We are highly regarded, professional, and well versed in all aspects of construction and remodeling. In addition to fire, mold, water damage restoration and reconstruction, we are often called upon by customers affected by fire, mold, or water damage to repair other areas of their homes. This is understandable as the newly repaired and restored areas sometimes look much nicer than the other non-updated areas. Then our job is to update the rest of the home to match!

In our 12 years of service, we have remodeled hundreds of homes from “framing to finish” including complete bathroom and kitchen remodels, flooring, cabinetry, crown molding, decks, and much more. If we do not complete certain phases ourselves, we have great and experienced trade partners and subcontractors that consistently deliver high quality workmanship. Please call us for more information on our remodeling services…we have wonderful client references which we would be
glad to share!